With her mom being photographer, my daughter is used to constantly having her photo taken. She’ll see me snap a moment in time, documenting something she or her little brother is doing, and will run up to me, telling me “draai eens om” (turn it around) so she can see herself through the selfiecam. Or she’ll ask me to see the photos I’ve just taken. Recently, she’s taken it upon herself to take her OWN photos (at 3 years old), using her dad’s iPhone. And she’s pretty good at it, too. 

But until now, I haven’t had the pleasure yet of having her really pose for photos (I do have those portraits from when she was 13 months old, but those were her captured in a magical moment), for a Real Photoshoot. So that was a happy moment for me, because I’ve been DYING to get recent portraits of her without her pulling silly faces, or sticking her tongue out, or basically laughing and running off right before I take a photo. My daughter, The Flash. 


One silly face though. Because you know… that’s her. Rebel rebel Disney Princess, but also a little clown underneath all of that.

On another subject – I’m still working on getting more images in general up on this blog. I haven’t kept a blog in so long (I used to blog all the time when I was in my early twenties – it was second nature to me), that I am not at the point yet where it’s a natural addition to my workflow yet.

What I want to be doing, is not just share finished work, but THE PROCESS. I want to geek out over equipment and things I’ve learned (I’m always learning). I want to share where I do my work. I also want to make it a habit to blog new work as soon as it’s finished (these photos of Rosalie were done a few weeks ago, for example) but not just finished works – ideas, projects I’m working on that aren’t finished per se. 

Right now my blog feels more like a gallery with a lot of words, rather than a place where I’m focused on that process. I’ll have to find a flow there, but I know I can’t force it. 

All I can do is… DO. And I hope I’ll ease into it as I go. 


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